• Five mistakes when developing a mobile app

    May 26th, 2013MartinApplications, mobile, mobile applications

    Developing a mobile app is no small feat and unfortunately thousands are built that simply don’t make it. That’s not such a big deal if you’re doing it for fun or a hobby, but if your building a mobile app to support and market a business it’s a different ball game.

    There are five common, and often fatal mistakes made when it comes to apps:

    1. “Build it and they will come”
    Apps need marketing. Simply because your app is sat in the App Store or Google Play store, it doesn’t mean it will be found let alone downloaded. Think of it less like a shop where customers might walk past and become intrigued and more like a website – if they don’t know about it they’ll never look for it.

    Mobile app development starts with a strategy, this should include the post-launch marketing strategy too, for everything from the description and screen shots used in the app store, to ensuring the app isn’t just used once and then assigned to the app graveyard.

    2. Forgetting the follow through
    Retention is key, but so too is keeping your app updated and ironing out issues and bugs. You might not get it spot on first time; having a “test-group” or a soft launch will give you a chance to find problems before your review rating takes a battering.

    Updating apps doesn’t need to just be about technical updates though, adding useful new features and ensuring the app feels fresh and modern will help to keep usage high too.

    3. Thinking a mobile website is an app
    Whilst a mobile website is a great start, it simply isn’t the same as an app. A mobile site is simply your standard, desktop site optimised for a mobile screen, which will require the internet to access it. An app can be used offline and has much higher levels of interaction and functionality.

    It is worthwhile noting that you can incorporate your mobile website into an application though. Take a look at my blog “Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Websites” for more.

    4. Lack of interaction
    In our 24/7 culture customers want ‘now’, ASAP is no longer good enough! Ensure there is two-way communication built into your app. Whilst app store reviews are a great way for customers to give feedback, it’s all one way which doesn’t satisfy them and doesn’t allow you to respond, apologise or put your side across.

    Even a simple link to an active Twitter account or Facebook page will appease most.

    5. Treating it like desktop
    We all know mobile is something very different to desktop, but many marketers have little or no experience of it and fall into the common trap of simply lumping it in with digital. Consider things such as screen sizes, the speed of net connections and data downloading as well as the multitude of extra functions that can really bring a mobile app to life.

    Simplifying navigation and making processes as easy and short as possible are keys to great mobile app usability.

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